I keep forgetting to update my blog! I guess I've been busy with Magen getting ready to graduate, and now actually graduated, Magen's college "to do" list (like helping her register for classes, application for housing, financial stuff, medical appointment stuff, etc.) and Amber's last week of school, and all my other "duties and responsibilities" :)
Michann is leaving to live with Barb in two weeks. It seems like spring has gone by so fast and now she's almost gone again. It has been really nice having her home for almost 3 months. She is really doing great in her efforts to be active in living the gospel. She's had a chance to earn some money, do lots of things with the single's branch and friends who she's met there, and she's helped a lot at home. It has been so nice to have this time with her.
Bishop Flake (our previous bishop, who happens to be over the seminary program in our area, and who is a great friend to Michann) has told Jeff that he wants to surprise Michann with a seminary graduation certificate. She went almost all four years, but in the last 2-3 months, she was really falling away from the gospel and making some wrong choices and hanging out with friends who were really drawing her away from what was right. She decided not to attend for about the last quarter of her 4th year, so she didn't graduate. I knew that forcing her would be a bad idea. But now she's attending institute, and she took a Book of Mormon class at BYU-Hawaii, both of which qualify her to graduate (late) from seminary. I'm really happy for her, and feel it will be a neat surprise to her.
Magen and Amber are behind in with their seminary requirements, and are having to make up a lot of lessons because they missed so much this year. It will be great for them to see her get this certificate. Magen will be able to get one, too, once she turns in all of her late work. And hopefully Amber will have a renewed determination to attend regularly next year. They say they don't get much (anything) out of seminary, but I know that they will be blessed for their efforts, and that they can potentially gain a lot of knowledge and spiritual strength. But I also know that it's like everything in life... you get out of it what you put into it, so it's up to them to invest the time and effort to make it worthwhile.
Amber received a letter from the high school principal today saying that she had passed the HSPE (replaced the WASL this year as the state test to assess learning, which is required to be passed to graduate). Out of the three academic areas tested, she passed Reading at Level 3 (very close to Level 4, advanced), and she passed Math and Writing at Level 4 (Advanced). I'm sure she was happy about that, and so was I :) I am going to try to get Amber and Magen to do some reading this summer to boost their reading level a bit in preparation for next year. Magen doesn't like to read so it will be harder to get that to happen, but I'm going to tie it to some form of incentive. Amber likes to read, but not the good literature that will help her most. So I'm hoping to come up with a good plan that they will be willing to work with. It's for their benefit, but they usually fight my efforts. Why do I try???? I guess I'm a mom!!!!!
Magen's graduation was nice. We were a little cold, but thankfully I wore a coat and brought a blanket. It was a pretty day, just breezy and a bit chilly sitting there for 2 hours. Barb and Ryan came to watch her also, which was really nice. The seniors did a few pranks, like sneaking in several beach balls to toss around between speakers, several mice to let loose during the speakers, and each one brought a penny to hand to the principal as they went up to get their diploma. Derek Britain, my close friend Susan's son, was one of 5 or 6 valedictorians. They all spoke briefly and Derek did a great job. Howard Willard sang a duet with another senior guy, and there was a nice duet by two senior girls. It was a nice program, and not drawn out too long. We came back and had rootbeer floats and chips afterward and a couple of Magen's friends came also, Brooke and Emily. Michann performed some hula for us and was great, even though she's forgotten a lot. I love to watch her dance! Then Magen went with her friends to their friend Katie's for a sleepover to celebrate. I think she attended three other senior parties that weekend so we didn't see her much! They just kept going from one house to another for family/friend parties, and having fun being graduates. Now she gets to focus on preparing for college. She has her schedule set and was able to get all the classes she needed, but we still have several things to get done.
Amber and Magen both want and need summer jobs but it has been so hectic they haven't been able to look much lately. Today was Amber's last day of school so now they will have more time to get out there and apply for jobs. Michann gave her two-week notice yesterday and told her boss that her sisters were looking for jobs so hopefully he will consider them. Magen might get to work part-time at a new tumbling/gymnastics class being started by some friends. Amber is also applying at a pizza place nearby. I'm just praying that we can juggle all the transportation needs, especially since one of our cars is being repaired again. It has some strange problems and we're hoping it's back soon!
We're making great strides in getting the garage cleaned and organized. There's still more to do, but it's getting closer. Amber and I scrubbed 2/3 of the floor after moving everything onto the far side out of the way. Now we're putting everything back but organizing as we go. Once it's all put away we'll clear out that last 1/3 and scrub that part of the floor. Then we can move the old couches out there, do a little decorating, and watch for a really great used ping pong table. We're going to try to make it into a beach theme with a hanging hammock, beach wall panels from the party store (if they still have them), a big umbrella, and a few other things. Hopefully it will look cute when we're done! And hopefully we'll find that ping pong table!!
Yestereday I found one of my tomato plants flopped over. It was one of the bigger ones, and I don't know what caused it. I re-attached it to the stake and I'm hoping it doesn't die. The others all seem okay. I'm waiting for some really sunny weather, but it hasn't hit yet. We're in that middle phase when the cooler weather hits and we all worry that summer will never come, but I'm sure it will get here eventually.
I have so many things I want and need to do. It is a bit frustrating, especially since I'm not feeling very organized, and I keep seeing piles of papers, miscellaneous lists, and bits of things that remind me of other things I need to do. It's everywhere! I definitely need to spend some time getting organized in that department.
Maybe tomorrow... :)