Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Yikes! My first blog.

It wasn't all that difficult to set up this blog. I have tossed around the idea of blogging for a little while, but kept deciding not to, until today! I usually start feeling drawn to something once it is on the verge of going out of style. So I assume that blogging will soon lose its popularity :)

I have no pre-conceived ideas for this blog, except that I do think once in a while, and I like to write, and keeping a journal is sometimes a priority for me. One thing I don't intend to do is tell my family and friends to read my blog. I'm just going to write it, and let it be what it is.

So here we go...

Michann is home from her first year of college. She's a night owl and a late sleeper when she has the opportunity. The other night she wanted to talk so I got in her bed and we talked for a while. Tonight she's asleep on the couch because she was too tired to go up to bed. So she and I are the only ones downstairs. I wonder if she can hear me. I've got a really loud case of hiccups. I don't remember getting this kind of hiccups for years. They started when I ate a piece of bread a little while ago and it didn't go down very well. She'll probably let me know tomorrow if I disturbed her :)

I know it's disturbing me!

Maybe I'll try a drink of water... I hope that works.

I weeded some in the garden today. So far it only has things in it from last year. Like strawberries, blueberries, chives, rosemary, some sad mint in a pot, and weeds. I tried putting a layer of composted grass clippings on it a month ago, but I guess it wasn't completely composted yet, because as it dried in the sun, it hardened into chunks. I didn't have the energy to do anything with it so I just left it, and hoped it would be okay. I think it might crumble up and mix in with the dirt if I can figure out the right tool to use (a sledgehammer, maybe?). I'm sure eventually it will contribute to the success of the garden.

I also fertilized the strawberries and blueberries last month, and now they are really looking good. No fruit yet, but I'm very optimistic. The strawberry plants are maybe three years old now, and have never produced well. Last year they were tiny, but a beautiful bright red, and very yummy. I hope the fertilizer helps the size increase, and also that it will address whatever was missing in the soil. Same story for the blueberries, except that I think they just didn't get enough water last year. They are still small bushes because I haven't taken the time to water them well, and fertilize them. This will be the year of the berries if all goes well.

I tend to be all or nothing as a gardener. And with many other things. So the goal is to water regularly, weed semi-regularly, and fertilize when the box says to fertilize. I thought I wrote down the next feeding time on my calendar but I just checked and it's not there. So I will make a note for myself to check the fertilizer box tomorrow. Only problem is that it will join all the other notes to myself on my desk (or nightstand). But it will be on top, and it is a priority, so it will probably happen.

Also today I attempted to catch up a little on emails. I have too many to read, but I don't want to delete them. They feel important to get to, so I'll leave them there and read them as I can.

Of course I read the personal ones, but the other ones I sign up for to stay "informed" about things are the ones I'm not keeping up with. It's kind of like reading books... you can either read them, or go out and live life. It seems like there's not enough time to do both.

Michann started cleaning the garage as a Mother's Day gift to me. I have this recent yearning to have a totally clean and organized garage and to take half of it and create a kind of rec. room for the girls and their friends to use during the nicer weather. We have two older couches that I want to put out there, and I'm determined to find a nice used ping-pong table. I'll also get a new carpet remnant to cover the cement floor, and some lamps because it has always been very inadequately lit. But before all that can happen, a lot of cleaning has to happen. Michann made a great start, and Jeff is going to work out there tomorrow. I want to finish in the next few weeks, or we'll lose momentum and it won't be usable before the nice weather is gone. I just hope spiders know when they are not wanted, and that once the garage is clean we can keep it relatively bug-free.

Tonight I finished working on some documents I needed to complete for a fundraiser. One board that I serve on is a very "hands on" working board and I volunteered to create a mailing for a new fundraising attempt. I think it turned out quite nicely and hope that it will do the job (raise money). This organization is small but accomplishes a lot of good, working with students and families to help those who are at risk of academic failure due to personal or family issues, not learning disabilities. Unfortunately, many risk factors are far too common and obviously have quite a detrimental effect on a student's ability to learn (poverty, homelessness, substance abuse, domestic violence, chronic health problems, foster-related issues, and other problems - whether it is the student or parent(s) with these issues).

I just noticed that the hiccups are gone, thank goodness. The water did it. I don't know why I'm staying up so late, I guess the novelty of finally starting a blog. I'm so tired! I did finished a book this morning, "Without Conscience" I think is the name of it. It's a summary of what psychopaths (some call them sociopaths) are like. It's not the type of book I normally read, but it was very interesting. There are a lot of questions that are unanswered about those who have the disorder, but it is far more prevalent than I realized. According to the author, 20% of prison inmates are psychopaths. Not all are violent killers - many are white collar criminals, thieves, con artists, etc. They cause so much pain and suffering, and don't seem to have any remorse. They also don't seem to respond to treatment programs/rehabilitation. Not a very hopeful situation, but it seems to be the focus of some good research which may provide more answers in time.

Okay, I'm going to bed.

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